Yohannes Mulat mekonnen

Map of Absence, 2019

Galleri Small projects/ Tromsø 

We use language to express precisely what we want to convey. Our language is full of spatial and temporal references to orient things in time and in spaces. These references are quite relevant. Since objects or events can not be used as a reference for their own justification, we cannot think of any things in general, apart from the possibility of their connection with other things. One set of relation that is quite significant in the way we make sense of things is the relation of presence and absence. Absence looks too perplexing an idea to get a clear conceptual picture of. It is often a challenge in a discipline like archeology for example, which is mainly dependent on the remains of the past when reconstructing archival voids; especially when we consider that across the world most of human activities are devoid of material remains.

What is void/absence? Does is it have its own nature? Or is it merely space modeled after the nature of the specific thing which is absence?

Maps of absence is a crystallization of the artist's attempt to give visual form to how void is appropriated in both material also linguistic spaces

eethiopian contemporary artist african contemporary art addis ababa ethiopian art kunstethiopian contemporary artist african contemporary art addis ababa ethiopian art kunst yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen  yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnen yohannes mulat mekonnenyohannes mulat mekonnen yohanne